The Insurrectionists Themselves Admit That Trump Incited Them

Gaslighting is not going to make it go away

Lawson Miller
Politically Speaking


There has been a bunch of gaslighting ever since the Capitol insurrection on January 6th. Trump supporters have taken to social media and message boards to claim that “inciting” violence is just how the media is spinning it. Trump never actually incited violence. I had someone tell me that Trump did not incite violence because he did not tell his supporters directly to attack the Capitol. That’s how far we have fallen. Debating the semantics of whether or not the President of the United States incited the people he literally just spoke to, before they attacked the Capitol.

Just to clarify, the legal definition of incitement is:

An inciter is generally one who is present at the scene of the offense and who encourages the principal offender to commit an act that he is already inclined to commit on his own.

Emerging from the criminal complaints of the insurrectionists who have so far been arrested is a common theme: the president told me to do it. The New York Times reports that one man told his friend he was “following the president’s instructions,” as well as a Virginia man who told the FBI that he went to the Capitol because the president told them to go down Pennsylvania Avenue. This in…



Lawson Miller
Politically Speaking

Legal professional. Historian. MA in history from Arizona State University. MLS from S.J. Quinney College of Law at the UofU.