American Politics

The Intercept Just Intercepted Joe Manchin’s Corruption

Joe Manchin wants to hit “pause” on a law that would have stopped his daughter from raising EpiPen prices 600%

Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking
7 min readSep 13, 2021


Do you ever get that icky feeling that politicians are corrupt, but you can’t quite prove it? You just see them talk and think, “ick, no wonder I dislike politicians?”

Original image of Joe Manchin is a Wiki Commons image by DonkeyHotey. Dollar bills image licensed through Shutterstock.

Well, thanks to The Intercept, you can now back up your feelings of distaste the next time you see Joe Manchin hold up the stop sign on Democrats trying to make some actual progress in uprooting the 40 years of Reaganomics that have gutted this country.

The Intercept has revealed that Manchin’s daughter, the former president and CEO of the company that made EpiPen, oversaw a 600% price increase that gouged millions of captive EpiPen users. Not only that, she helped dismantle the only company that offered a competing product.

Heather Bresch, “the former president and CEO of the drugmaker Mylan, worked directly with the CEO of Pfizer to keep prices of the company’s EpiPen product artificially high, according to new documents released as part of…



Charles Bastille
Politically Speaking

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Follow me on BlueSky: All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille