The Legacy of George Washington is being Trumped

The greatest gift our first president gave to posterity was that he left

B Kean
Politically Speaking


Photo by Tiraya Adam on Unsplash

There is always that one guest who just doesn’t take the hint. Everyone else has long gone. The last of the dishes have been washed and dried. You vanish for a bit and reappear in glasses. Oh, I didn’t you know you wore contact lenses, the surprised guest says sipping on a fresh glass of wine.

Of course you didn’t. You never slept over my house before, you think. Um, I really have to get up early tomorrow so…ummmm — your awkward smile and barely perceptible move of the head in the direction of the door finally frees the guest stuck to your couch.

As awkward as these moments are, they aren’t as cringe-worthy of the moment the world is witnessing now. Actually, let me say this — I don’t give a damn about what the world thinks about the not-re-elected president’s refusal to transfer power in a “big boy” way. The rest of the world, by now, thinks we are crazy anyway. How did they choose him in the first place, they whisper like relatives gawking at 75-year old Uncle Mike’s nineteen-year old with the duck lips and balloon-like breasts?

Aw the poor little thing, seems she has a piece of prosciutto stuck on her tongue earring, Aunt Mary, Mike’s older sister comments to no…



B Kean
Politically Speaking

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.