Pseudo Psatire

The Most Effective Diet You’ve Never Heard of

It’s called J.I.T. and it’s been proven to work at least 51.4% of the time

J.J. Pryor
Politically Speaking
4 min readJan 8, 2021


Photo by Jill Burrow from Pexels

Did you know diets are proven to be ineffective more than 85% of the time? That’s soul-crushing news.

But there is a way to stack the odds in your favor, even if they won’t reach 100%.

Some diets have been statistically proven to be more effective based on long-term studies. Diets like the Mediterranean diet, Weight Watchers, and bulimia are thought to be more effective at losing weight in the short to mid-term.

Those are pretty good, but they haven’t yet examined one of the best diets to be invented in the 21st century — “J.I.T.”

Based on a recent study in 2020, it was thought to be effective for 51.4% of the people who tried it — although the study should’ve included a lot more.

So if you’re looking to try something new to drop the Christmas pounds, here’s a full breakdown of J.I.T.


The Complete Guide to the J.I.T. Diet

Researchers have long known about an observed pattern in the animal kingdom called taste aversion.



J.J. Pryor
Politically Speaking

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