The Necessity and Catharsis of Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial

To heal, Trump must be held accountable and the whole story of January 6 needs to be told; next month’s Senate trial can help

John Dean
Politically Speaking


Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash modified by author

When the House moved promptly to impeach Donald Trump a second time, I confess to being confused. He had just seven days left in office. Another Senate trial would mean yet another step away from healing. The trial might create the risk of making Trump a martyr. I could imagine Lindsey Graham and others saying, “They were out to get him before he was elected, and now they are at it again even though he is about to leave office.”

Had I been in the House, I would have voted to impeach, but only after discouraging Speaker Pelosi from moving forward.

Since the House passed the resolution, I have changed my mind. Now I am certain that impeaching Trump for the January 6 insurrection was merited. I also believe the impeachment and Senate trial are essential to our domestic and international future.

Each day since January 6, additional information has surfaced. We have learned that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and possibly other Republican members of the House appear to have offered reconnaissance tours to terrorists who stormed the Capitol. Information also appears…



John Dean
Politically Speaking

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.