The Odd, Clumsy Decline of Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani

What the hell is going on with this man?

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Politically Speaking
3 min readApr 21, 2022


By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0 at

Former mayor on reality television

I would almost feel sorry for this man if he hadn’t closely aligned himself with our maligned former president. He went from a perceived strong leader during the September 11 attacks in New York City to most recently one of the first eliminations in the final group of the singing competition, “The Masked Singer.” I’m sure his appearance on the show shocked many people as they watched Jack in the Box get eliminated after singing “Bad To The Bone.”

His unmasked performance even prompted fan-favorite judge Ken Jeong to storm off the stage, a reaction I imagine that many people had when they saw the former mayor/former Trump attorney. Why would he even agree to do this show? Did he think that the audience seeing him as a contestant on a reality show, especially a talent he’s not particularly skilled in, would boost his image again? The performance and appearance were just a train wreck.

Advanced age contributing to his current looniness

Thinking back on some of the other batshit things he’s done in the last couple of years, I wonder if this is even the weirdest thing he's ever done. We’ve all got to recall the Four Seasons incident and think back at how hilarious that was. I still can’t believe that he thought the Four Seasons Total Landscaping business was the classy hotel that his boss wanted him to do the press conference at. I mean, what could be worse, is that we’re watching a man advanced in age just losing his mind in a very public way. He’s only 77 years old, 2 years younger than our current president, and 2 years older than our former. As we know, some people’s minds don’t age as well as others.

He did still defend a blatant lie, though

I still don’t want to feel that sorry for him though. Whoever is around him and continues to want to expose him to this type of media embarrassment should definitely be checked, but the fact that he’s still willingly going out there and trying to get people’s attention is just sad. Just as recently as 2021, he was trying to help the former president steal the election and was on the losing end of at least 50 lawsuits. He even had his law license suspended in New York defending the former president. He could’ve easily just quietly retired and faded out of the limelight.

Yet another reminder of how far he’s come

Instead, he continues to put himself in interesting and odd situations. One more scene from the last couple of years that I want to recall is the one from the movie, “Borat 2” in 2020. He’s seen in the movie adjusting his pants when confronted with the fact that he might be involved with a younger female reporter. The incident led to widespread controversy and rumors surrounding the legality and whether the scene was just clever editing. Either way, he should’ve never put himself in such a compromising position in the first place.

A caricature of his former self and coming off as a joke

I’m not saying that that is what his Masked Singer appearance did for him this time, but whatever redemption he was looking for being on the show, it won’t help him with his legal issues or with his public image. The man who was once regarded as a legend in New York City as being the mayor who led the city through the tough aftereffects of the 9/11 attacks has become quite the caricature of himself and everything he wanted people to think that he was.

This recent appearance on reality television just solidifies that notion even further. Maybe he realizes now that he’s a joke and he’s playing that card as Sarah Palin did in early 2020. Maybe I’m missing the bigger picture here, it’s possible that Republican leaders are proving and showing us that they know that they are all jokes, to begin with.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Politically Speaking

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.