The Pentagon UFO Report Will Not Answer Anything

Aliens are not visiting us

Steve Taylor
Politically Speaking


MjolnirPants, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As part of the $2.3 billion omnibus spending bill passed last December, there was a section in the bill that stipulated that the Department of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence provide an unclassified report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), which are known more colloquially as UFOs to people outside of the military. This report is supposed to be delivered sometime in June, 2021 and has been a lot of hype leading up to this report’s release, culminating on early reporting with a 60 Minutes episode on March 16th, 2021 (Watch the CBS 60 Minutes piece on it). The basic gist of the segment was that there is a lot going on in our skies (UAP/UFOs) and the military has no clue what it is. Which of course makes us think of Aliens right off the bat. Because, it’s always aliens!

What’s going to be in this UAP report? The spending bill specifies that the report must include “detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence” collected by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the FBI, and the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. It also says that “a detailed description of an interagency process” that directs how this data will be collected, analyzed and disseminated along with future research and funding for UAPs. On the surface, that sounds pretty crazy. We…



Steve Taylor
Politically Speaking

Steve is passionate about food, good drinks, politics, space and anything outdoors.