The Reverse Scientific Method: Why Conspiracy Theories Are So Convincing

C. Alexander
Politically Speaking
7 min readJan 8, 2020


How To Recognize The Difference Between Pseudoscience and Science

“… if you assume a big enough conspiracy, you can explain anything, including the cosmos itself.”
Fritz Leiber, The Big Time

If you haven’t seen it, there’s an excellent documentary on Netflix about Flat Earthers called Behind the Curve. It may not sound like a great way to spend an hour and a half, but I promise it is super entertaining. It’s not only entertaining though; the documentary reveals several reasons that conspiracy theories can begin, spread, and prosper, and surprisingly it is not just due to a bunch of crazy people. Honestly, nothing is just due to “crazy people;” that is always too simplistic, so let’s look into why intelligent people can be duped by lies, misinformation, and a distrust of authority.

1. It’s A Community

Conspiracy nerds are kind of weird. I mean everyone worth knowing is kind of weird, but a lot of people who spend a lot of time researching conspiracies, buying conspiracy books, making conspiracy YouTube channels, and posting on conspiracy forums, march to the beat of their own drum. The documentary, Behind



C. Alexander
Politically Speaking

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