The Revolution Will Be Streamed

An American manifesto

Michael Hall
Politically Speaking
1 min readAug 3, 2020


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

"A riot is the language of the unheard."
what Martin didn't tell us
is that America
is a Molotov cocktail
already afire, inevitably burning itself alive. but, we the people
raging within the constant stream
of an eclectic everchanging
American dream, need to steal it back from the electoral
college of the greedy political machine. By Any Means Necessary,

"of the people, by the people, for the people."

as defenders of equality, aspire to inspire
us all to be
free who we are:
the heirs of humanity.
with words as our greatest weapons--not fire, bombs
or guns blazing for glory--unbury the legacy of liberty
...& justice for all, that we read so much about in history.
save the Molotovs for the paper trail left by bureaucrats
& conformists. stop being afraid of being American

& Please Start Being the Real Powers That Be.

(The two quotes used in the poem are from Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Lincoln.)

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Michael Hall
Politically Speaking

#21stcenturygrio | with imagination as my 6th sense and soul as my quintessence, I am an alchemist of prosody |