The Saddest Thing About Betrayal is That It Never Comes From Your Enemies

Why sellouts and traitors are hated and despised more than the outsider with their knee on your neck

Aza Y. Alam
Politically Speaking


A notebook I bought depicting an old world map on the cover and the words, “‘Explore, Dream, Discover” to which I added the words, “Invade Occupy, Enslave, Loot, Kill Kill Kill.” Not all members of empires undertake to do the dirty deeds, but all do benefit, materially. A few stand up and say, “Not in my name.”

In seeking to describe reality, we tend to talk in generalities. There are always exceptions, but to discern patterns of human behaviour over time and space, one does not focus on the exceptions.

Writing articles here on Medium, it is easy to fall into making broad brush strokes about, say, “White Empire,” to use ‘s expression. The advantage of using such terms is that they cut through the bullshit about an array of nationalities with a range of possible responses. The British, the Americans, the Canadians, the Australians, and the New Zealanders all generally cooperate with one another as they did during World War I, 11 and the so-called Cold War.

From the position of the Global South, exploited for centuries by Europeans, “White Empire” is, indeed, an accurate designation.

But does that mean that I or indica, or anyone else using this broad stroke language, think all virtue resides with people of colour and all evil with whites? Of course not!

That would be the bigotry of fascism, whatever colour it comes in. That is exactly what we lovers of



Aza Y. Alam
Politically Speaking

Exploring the entanglements of gender, race and class during this era of the Eurokleptocene. Let’s do better, one story, one learning, one comment at a time.