The Trump Crime Family

New York Attorney General Letitia James lays it all out

Lawson Miller
Politically Speaking


Donald Trump and his adult children
Donald and Melania Trump and their adult children at Winfield House in London, 2019/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

The political universe has once again killed irony. Throughout the 2016 election and afterward, Donald Trump and his supporters frequently referred to the Clintons as a “crime family.” Several years later, on September 21st of 2022, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced that the State of New York is suing Donald Trump and three of his adult children for massive fraud: Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka. The lawsuit would seek to ban the Trumps from ever conducting business in the state again, and recover $250 million in damages. James previously rejected a settlement offer from the Trump Organization.

Just recently, I wrote about Donald Trump’s “poetic demise,” as he spent much of the 2016 campaign discussing Hillary Clinton’s “mishandling” of classified information, now his downfall will most likely be steeped in the very thing he falsely accused her of. If you assumed like me that the projection couldn’t get any more obvious, we are now dealing with Trump and a significant portion of his family being sued by the government of New York for massive fraud. Not only that, but James and her team found sufficient evidence to submit criminal referrals to federal prosecutors and the IRS.



Lawson Miller
Politically Speaking

Legal professional. Historian. MA in history from Arizona State University. MLS from S.J. Quinney College of Law at the UofU.