
The US Justice Department Says The Arizona Audit Violates Federal Election Laws

The Justice department is accusing Cyber Ninjas of voter intimidation and illegal seizure of ballots

Caren White
Politically Speaking
5 min readMay 8, 2021


Image by madartzgraphics on Pixabay

Remember when I said that the crazy in Trump World got turned a up a few notches? I didn’t think it was possible, but it has been turned up a few more notches.

The US Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division has sent a letter to Karen Fann, the president of the GOP Senate in Arizona, alleging that the audit of the 2020 votes in Maricopa County violates several Federal election laws.

“We have a concern that Maricopa County election records, which are required by federal law to be retained and preserved, are no longer under the ultimate control of elections officials, are not being adequately safeguarded by contractors, and are at risk of damage or loss.”

The letter goes on to cite problems such as the lack of security at the Coliseum where the recount is being held, the lack of impartial observers, and the lack of security of the ballots themselves.

Both the press and independent observers are barred from the Coliseum while supporters of the Big Lie that Trump won the election are allowed in. One of the



Caren White
Politically Speaking

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite