The Worst Lies of the RNC

A convention of propaganda and dishonesty

Jay Sizemore
Politically Speaking
5 min readAug 28, 2020


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The Republican National Convention wrapped up its final night of speeches this evening. Tonight, Trump formally accepted the nomination for president for the Republican party and gave his acceptance speech. This was just the cherry on top of a rotten cesspool of corruption and dishonesty, served to the public on their dumpster fire of a platform. It’s fitting that it was taking place while cities across the country are still embroiled in fiery protests, because it showcases how detached from reality this party has become.

Throughout the week, we have seen speeches from Trump family members, staff members, and high profile senators, each delivering a laundry list of untruths and fabrications meant to make Trump look good while trying their best to hurt their opponent. There have been so many lies uttered this week on the RNC stages that it is a wonder anyone can keep up. It’s almost as if each speaker was trying to out-do the previous one in levels of deception. If only this was truly a game, and not something upon which the future is desperately hinged.

The four night event has been fact checked by various web sites, tallying the majority of the most egregious twists of the truth as best as they can. You can see the results here, here, here, and here. I want to talk about what I…



Jay Sizemore
Politically Speaking

Provocative truth teller, author of APNEA & Ignore the Dead. Cat dad. Dog dad. Husband. Currently working from Portland, Oregon. Learn more at: