The Yellow And Blue Flag

This challenge to civilization is about more than nuclear war


Photo by Polina Rytova on Unsplash

Let all who seek peace everywhere display the colors in your heart

Though our spirits may sag with sadness
Our home is a place of splendor
We’ll strive on through every madness
We never will surrender

Our fierce, full hearts, are bigger
than even the biggest guns
Our dream of peace is sure and eager
Pulled like sunflowers to the sun

It is our work to feed the world
All seeking grace participate
Stand by us with your thoughts unfurled
While the world watches and waits

The sky that hangs like polished sapphire
above a golden fruited plain
Will remind us, and inspire
All hungry hearts beat for Ukraine



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Politically Speaking

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.