Better Days Ahead?

This Is So Right

But … something is missing

Richard Turcotte
10 min readDec 9, 2020


I recently posted an article examining what’s now become a routine tactic employed by many conservatives — particularly when discussing either support for, or criticisms directed at, Donald Trump. Simply objecting to various left-leaning viewpoints about his behavior, or to decisions by government officials contrary to right-wing expectations, is now sufficient on its own.

Too often, in fact, more energy is expended insulting, criticizing, or otherwise dismissing opposing views than in offering any reasons why. (That’s not to say those on the Left side don’t rely on the same method from time to time.) An actual exchange of perspectives and/or facts don’t seem to be of much interest.

That specific right-wing approach is more the norm because justification for positions taken is … well … shall we say, a bit lacking in facts and accuracy. Each of those can be quite useful, and certainly persuasive on occasion! Who knew?

Hollow attempts to support Trump’s behaviors and actions create no small amount of consternation among those of us on the Left, given our general preference for reality, honesty, and democracy. Needless to say, determined efforts to disregard such considerations don’t contribute much to bridging the partisan divides.



Richard Turcotte

Partisanship has no good ending. I’d like to do my part to change that. A better future is a choice.