This Isn’t How Democracy Works

The Democrats don’t seem to understand what their own name means.

Kevin Breidenbach
Politically Speaking


Photo: F McGady | CC BY-SA

The Democratic Party doesn’t seem to understand what the word “democracy” means. Although this is nothing new, they seem to be completely removing the mask and showing their disregard for the will of the people during the 2020 election cycle. From their efforts to block Bernie Sanders and some form of universal healthcare, to sneaking oil subsidies through in the DNC platform, they just keep showing us that they really don’t care what we want or need. Recent news from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania shows this trend continuing.

In Pennsylvania, Democratic leadership is suing to get Green Party candidates Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker kicked off the ballot, thus holding up the election. I’ll tell you what, nothing says “democracy” like controlling ballot access, instead of trying to win votes. You also really have to love how the reporter in the linked story blames the Greens, that really ices the cake.

In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court has rejected the Green Party candidate’s request to be added to the ballot in the first place, in a 4–3 decision where three of those four were the “liberal” judges. As reporter Patrick Marley noted in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

“The state Elections Commission split 3–3…



Kevin Breidenbach
Politically Speaking

Mountain hermit, maker of strange noises. Deeply disturbed, but not surprised. He/him.