Trump is the Worst President in American History

This isn’t up for debate

Johnny Silvercloud
Politically Speaking


Donald Trump, leader of white identity politics. | Image Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

Among the top five worst

Somewhere on Medium, I read someone’s “Top Five Worst Presidents” list, and it didn’t have Trump on it. I would argue that, categorically, Trump is the worst President in American history, and if he’s not on your “worst presidents” list, then your list is not authentic. Your list is perfectly inaccurate and stupid.

Donald J. Trump is the worst U.S. president of all time, so it doesn’t matter what number you’re using for your list. Top twenty worst presidents? He’s on your list. Top ten worst presidents? He’s on that list too. Top five worst? Trump is there. The total worst? He’s that one out of 46. Trump is the worst president of all time, and if you voted for him or would vote for him in the future, that support is really saying something about yourself.

A conservative militant (III Percenter) in Washington D.C. looking at the Capitol, possibly coordinating via smartphone. | 6 Jan 2021 | Photo Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

To not include him on your worst president’s list also says something about yourself. Perhaps you are a coward. Perhaps you are a fascist, racist or all three, and more. Your support tells more about you than it does him.

Trump is the worst of the worst



Johnny Silvercloud
Politically Speaking

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.