Trump’s Push to Profit off of Selling Nukes to Saudi Arabia

A 2019 staff report details how Trump’s business interests affected U.S. policy on nuclear technology and Saudi relations

Politically Speaking
4 min readNov 13, 2021


Trump with two thumbs up behind the Resolute Desk with Goya canned goods in front of him.
Trump was never afraid of mixing business deals and political office. Source: Public Domain

This U.S. House document from 2019 is a must-read when it comes to describing high-level corruption in U.S. politics. It explains how Trump and people close to him — such as Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort — worked with multiple companies trying to profit off of the administration’s ability to influence nuclear trade deals. Specifically, a country which overtly breaches 123 Agreement standards.

This appears to have also influenced the administration’s refusal to investigate the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, according to the report.

Political propaganda on platforms

Hilariously, I was approached by a representative of the UAE here on Medium earlier this year.

An email from a UAE propaganda generator.
A person doing PR for UAE reached out to me to advertise their humanitarian work. Source: Author

In no uncertain terms, I essentially told her to f*** off. It also earned me a block on Medium from her. I was presented this “opportunity” to be a mouthpiece for a foreign nation because of my top writer status under the politics tag — and I only had 50 followers at the time. Keep that in mind when you read articles on platforms like this one! Even little fish might be paid to parrot talking points from foreign (and domestic) companies and countries.

Some excerpts from the Committee on Oversight and Reform’s document are below.

Flynn acted as an information gatherer

Michael Flynn
Source: Public Domain

General Flynn informed his business partners about upcoming interactions with officials in Russia and the Middle East — including Russian President Vladimir Putin and then-Saudi Deputy Crown Prince MBS — and offered to use these contacts to further IP3’s business interests.

IP3 is a private organization that serves the interest of members who profit from the sale of “safe” nuclear technology. I am a huge fan of nuclear power, but in this case, potentially selling to Saudi Arabia is very much not safe. The document details MBS’ intentions to develop nuclear weapons.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) [proclaimed]: “Without a doubt, if Iran developed a nuclear bomb, we will follow suit as soon as possible.”

UAE foreign agent Tom Barrack coordinated messaging

Also of note in the document is that Tom Barrack appears to have been involved in the posturing of the administration. He has since been charged with acting as a spy for the UAE — even so much as calling the UAE his “home team.”

Mr. Barrack […] shared a draft of [a] speech with Saudi and Emirati officials to coordinate pro-Gulf language. Mr. Barrack sent the draft to Rashid Al-Malik, a businessman from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who circulated the draft among Emirati and Saudi officials and then passed suggestions back to Mr. Barrack, who conveyed them to Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Kushner and the rest of the admin were in on it

Source: Public Domain

Trump and Kushner directly dealt with MBS, and IP3 positioned itself to take advantage of that fact.

President Trump and Jared Kushner met with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince MBS on March 14, 2017. In the days after this meeting, IP3 officials touted that this meeting “established the framework for our unique opportunity to take the next steps with IP3 and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” and referenced a “partnership to acquire Westinghouse between IP3 and Saudi Arabia.” IP3 officials continued to promote their plan with highlevel stakeholders — including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn, and top NSC officials.

The document notes that Trump’s dealings with IP3 and attempts to profit from selling nuclear technology to a country attempting to make nuclear weapons continued, including during the document’s generation in 2019.

IP3’s efforts to influence the Trump Administration and profit from transfer of U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia continue to this day. In February 2019, IP3 orchestrated a meeting with President Trump and nuclear industry executives at the White House. IP3 also planned a meeting with National Security Advisor John Bolton in March 2019, but it was cancelled because of “legal and ethical concerns.” Two years earlier, NSC Legal Advisor John Eisenberg had ordered NSC employees to stop working on IP3-related matters due to conflicts of interest and potential violations of federal law.

You should read the full document. There is far more to it than the few details above. Don’t trust headlines — actually read source material!

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“Please clap.” *sad face*



Politically Speaking

Critical political, social, and philosophical commentary.