Trump: Road Runner or Coyote?

Opinions from two writers, the Red View and the Blue View

Jim West
Politically Speaking


Looney Tunes

We are DJB and Jim West, and we are starting a new project to bring you both sides of political issues. Jim will be providing the Red View, DJB the Blue View. We will assume that each of our beliefs are based on goodwill and positive intention. It’s important to understand this because much of the divide in our country comes from assuming evil intent upon the other. Too often, we assassinate each other’s characters with labels like “racist” or “Nazi” or “dope” without listening. Let’s stop doing that. We believe we can have disagreements while accepting the person. We hope our stories will enlighten, promote understanding and maybe even narrow the political divides in America. Your input is appreciated and encouraged; we just ask that everyone be respectful and civil in the comments.

To start this experiment, we open with something more light hearted. This election has been so heavy, like an anvil on our souls. Let’s try to have little fun.

So, is Trump the Road Runner or Wile E. Coyote?

The Red View:

After some intense and overwhelming research inspecting cartoons, it is obviously (and painfully) clear that Trump is the Road Runner.

