Trump: The Boy Who Lied Wolf

Jay Sizemore
Politically Speaking
5 min readSep 4, 2020


How Trump’s history of lies makes anything believable

Photo by Marco Zuppone on Unsplash

Trump’s campaign for re-election took three big hits this week. Three separate stories dropped that definitely paint this would-be two-term president as someone the country should avoid putting back in office. The bigger problem? Trump’s responses to these stories were simply to deny them, and then have people in his stable deny them. This tactic might have a better shot at success, if the person attempting it wasn’t already on record with thousands upon thousands of documented lies. Trump is literally The Boy Who Lied Wolf.

First, a bombshell was dropped by a New York Times reporter, who had insider information about Trump’s secretive visit to Walter Reed Hospital back in November. He published in his book that this visit was due to a cerebral event, and that Mike Pence had to be placed on stand-by to take over presidential duties in case Trump was unable to perform his role. This is huge if true, as it would speak to a president being mentally and physically impaired while in office, putting national security at risk.

Trump was quick to deny this claim. However, in his denial (issued on Twitter of course) he mentioned details that were not stated elsewhere, citing a “series of mini-strokes” that did not take place. Very odd to use this terminology specifically, when no one else had used…



Jay Sizemore
Politically Speaking

Provocative truth teller, author of APNEA & Ignore the Dead. Cat dad. Dog dad. Husband. Currently working from Portland, Oregon. Learn more at: