Trump’s Executive Time Presidency Created this Chaos

Gas shortages, pandemics and angry mobs, brought to us by the GOP, will be our new normal

B Kean
Politically Speaking


Photo by Aubrey Odom on Unsplash

It reminds of me of “The Great Toilet Paper Rush of 2020.” History will not soon forget how Americans showed the world that a clean ass is more important than civility — oh, how fast the fall happens once set forth, yes? The pandemic brought out the best in some of us, and the worst in a lot of us — especially one of us.

It is a year later, and the shadow of the nightmare we thought we had ridded ourselves of grows longer, deeper; not only has he really not left us to repair damage but his failures over the past four years are still dominating our daily lives.

Residents in states up and down the eastern seaboard of the US are frantically buying up all the gas they can. They are preparing for the next disruption of gas that many seem to expect. A lot of the people in line waiting to purchase the more expensive gas worship the man who put them in that line: Donald Trump; and most likely, the are blaming Joe Biden for the disruption.

The gas flow has been disrupted not because of some “criminal organization” hiding out in Slovenia or Serbia as reported — well maybe it actually was such a group; but because of the Solar Winds hack…



B Kean
Politically Speaking

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.