Twelve Long Years of Growing Division, Can We Finally All Just Get Along

Martin Luther King had a dream, one we need to honor with fulfillment

R. Scott
Politically Speaking


Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

I pray that now is the time to fulfill Martin Luther King’s dream, a dream so pure and simple that can be easily realized, but so tricky we may never achieve it.

For the last twelve years, our nation has become more divided and pitted against each other, moving beyond the racial divide, we have been split into red and blue. We have taken a step backward, from openness and understand of others’ beliefs to one where people are ostracized for having a different opinion or belief.

The time is now, as a people, as a nation, that we come together and cease putting our beliefs on others, judging them because they don’t share our own.

Looking at someone’s skin color is never an acceptable method of evaluating them, just the same as believing a person’s worth based on their beliefs is not acceptable.

Let us each do our part to correct this mess we have created. Yes, we have made this mess, each and every one of us. From the executive to the gang member, we each have had our part. And each of us has to do our part to fix it, and it can start with a simple hello.



R. Scott
Politically Speaking

As a former Federal Agent, Gang Expert, Restaurant Owner, and Father, I have stories to share. Enjoy my journey. Contact me on Facebook, I like to chat.