Ukraine May Have Shown Russia What A “Special Military Operation” Feels Like

The ultimate April Fool joke on Putin

John Lewis
Politically Speaking


Imagine this, but on fire | Photo by Dimitry Anikin on Unsplash

On the road from Moscow to Kharkiv in Ukraine, there’s a town called Belgorod before you get to the border.

In Belgorod is a fuel supply depot for, among other things, the Russian troops and armor currently engaged in that “special military operation” in Ukraine. You know the one — where they’ve been bombing and shelling the homes and cities in Ukraine in an attempt to liberate them from something that doesn’t appear to exist anywhere except in Vladimir Putin’s propaganda mills. Where they’ve sent troops across the frontier in a non-invasive invasion to die at the hands of plucky folks who don’t want them there at all.

Claims are that the two helicopters seen in the attack are Ukrainian in origin, despite Russian military claims of air superiority over Ukraine.

Ukrainian military doesn’t confirm or deny that they did this, but unconfirmed reports have officers privately shouting, “April Fools!” at each other while…



John Lewis
Politically Speaking

John Lewis was born in Europe, and came by both wanderlust and curiosity from that beginning. He considers this his Third Act in Life.