Undetected High Blood Pressure Results in More Violent Crime

The hyper-politicization of our health care system kills us in ways we never imagined

B Kean
Politically Speaking


Photo by Crystal Kwok on Unsplash

Have you ever felt that “adrenaline rush” when you get angry? People call it a “flash of anger,” or liken it to the boiling of blood. The unseen, but surely felt, physiological happenings caused by the rush of adrenaline are reactions everyone of us have experienced.

When reacting to a stressful situation, the body releases the hormone “adrenaline.” Entering into the blood stream, the body is warned to prepare itself to fight, or to take flight. At this moment, everyone’s blood pressure rises — we have all felt this. This is a gift to humans from millions of years of evolution and this reaction keeps alive — if we are healthy to begin with.

Now imagine living in this state of “adrenaline rush,” feeling anxious like you need to fight or take to flight stage, 24/7. This is sort of what it’s like living life with untreated high blood pressure. Undetected high blood pressure harms not only the sufferer, but I believe even others who happen to be near the person experiencing one of these “boiling blood” moments.

Admittedly, the science out there does not fully back up this supposition, but it also doesn’t say I am wrong — as a…



B Kean
Politically Speaking

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.