Welcome to the United States of Absurdity

Protesters stormed Capitol to overturn an election they didn’t vote in

TJ Larson
Politically Speaking
3 min readFeb 2, 2021


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

They came from all over the country with a single goal in mind. The large group assembled in Washington, D.C. to “Stop the Steal” of an election that several of them didn’t even take part in.

It’s official. Some of our brethren who live in the right wing of the house we call America have crossed the rubicon into the uncharted realms of utter ridiculousness. Several of the people arrested who participated in the raid on the US Capitol in an attempt to restore Donald Trump to the presidency did not vote in the 2020 election, according to reports from multiple news sources.

Apparently, the axiom that you have no reason to complain if you don’t vote, doesn’t apply if you happen to be part of a mob of angry far-right-wing extremists bent on overthrowing the government. This latest development attaches yet another layer of senselessness to a spectacle that never should have happened in the first place.

The Capitol rioters have just given new meaning to the term “Taking one for the team.”

What could possibly prompt someone to risk limb and liberty to reverse the outcome of an election where they are ostensibly culpable for…



TJ Larson
Politically Speaking

Journalist, writer, and author 📚 | Two-time American Pundit Contest finalist 🏆 | Proud US Army veteran | Join me on my journey @TJLarson1 on X #Journalism