When Will Fox News Fire Chris Wallace?

While I don’t agree with him always, his style of journalism could heal the Trump-sick

B Kean
Politically Speaking


I call him the hammer. Chris Wallace, the Fox News anchor for Fox News Sunday is a breath of journalistic fresh air in the middle of an intellectually-stifling desert. Fearless, or simply contractually free, he takes on anyone who tries to use Fox News’ number one popularity as a magic carpet for the purpose of taking viewers to the state of conspiratorial numbness.

Never a network that aspired to anything but the maximization of advertising revenue, Wallace’s reporting lately has provided me with some hope. While it is by no means a glimmer, more the synapsing-like flash of a lightning bug out in the backyard on a hot summer’s evening, Mr. Wallace’s presence there is needed. The Sunday anchor since 2003, making him a known and respected entity in Fox world, eases me slowly back from the edge of complete despair.

Over the course of the past week, Wallace took on Joe Manchin, the backstabbing Democratic senator from West Virginia who has singlehandedly encased President Biden’s agenda in amber; and, he took it to Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s former campaign manager, bashing him so relentlessly that he left the the lying Trump-sick man stuttering — and muttering to himself as the camera…



B Kean
Politically Speaking

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.