Why Are Biden Yard Signs Getting Destroyed or Stolen?

The Perpetrators May be Hurting Their Own Cause

John Dean
Politically Speaking


Photo by J. Dean

Vandals are tearing down or stealing campaign signs supporting the Biden-Harris ticket. I drove by a large one yesterday, laying in pieces on the side of the road. Whoever is responsible must have been bold. Cars, including police, go down the road frequently.

The destruction or theft of signs often is not the only vandalism that occurs. In Tulsa, vandals painted “Commie” on the sidewalk in front of one home in addition to removing the resident’s Biden signs.

Incidents are occurring across the country. A quick Google search on “Why are people destroying Biden signs” results in hundreds of stories. It’s something of an epidemic.

Trump vandals, in fairness, are not alone. In our town, police report Trump signs are also being stolen or destroyed. Maybe that is why I see so few of them.

Have the Proud Boys Come to Town? What’s the Motivation?

Violence often follows anger. Trump angers people, but reports of Biden supporters destroying signs are rare. Are they involved? Proof seems elusive. The few reported incidents suggest that people without necessarily endorsing Biden could be involved. Anarchists? Antifa?



John Dean
Politically Speaking

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.