Why Gov. Ron Desantis Would Ban Star Trek In Florida

The science fiction franchise represents everything he hates

Geronimo Redstone
Politically Speaking


Caricature of Ron DeSantis courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The governor of Florida is well-positioned as the grand dragon of the American culture wars. Donald Trump may be the original captain of the Starship Retribution, but Ron DeSantis is the future of the supremacist empire.

We have seen DeSantis and his de-sinister drones ban Black Floridians from voting, ban an AP Black studies high school course, ban women’s reproductive rights, and ban a book on Rosa Parks.

He’s even banned undocumented immigrants — in another state — by kidnapping them and banishing them to the North.

Most recently, one of his Republican Borg drones (i.e., the “Star Trek nemeses of humanity) wants bloggers who write about elected officials to register with the state, which would be a way to ban anti-DeSantis blogs — such as the one I’ve written here. So, I naturally expect DeSantis will try to ban all broadcasts of the “Star Trek” franchises: from cable TV and streaming services.

“Star Trek” represents at least two things Ron DeSantis hates — intensely.

Star Trek promotes notions of diversity, equity, and inclusion …

From broadcasting the first interracial kiss on TV to presenting people of color as accomplished authority figures, the franchise has immersed us in images of diversity. That has even extended to the thought experiment of diverse humanoid species and the noble ideal that sentient life forms can live and work together in a United Federation of Planets, an analog for modernity’s United Nations.

Consider that implicit message: If different beings — no matter their differences — can collaborate in a spirit of mutually-accepted equality, how backward is it for this century’s humans to cling to their primitive ethnic and cultural prejudices?

But DeSantis hates both diversity and inclusion and the United Nations. Hatred of the former is demonstrated by practically everything he has banned to date. Contempt for the latter is evidenced by his reaction to that global body, which is critical of a Florida law enacted “to restrict the right to peaceful assembly following anti-racism protests.”

Image of Star Trek spaceship by Tumisu for Pixabay

Star Trek tales embrace and don’t dismiss science …

Ron DeSantis also hates science; he doesn’t trust it. He’s skeptical of the science of climate change — even though extreme weather events will increasingly make areas of his state unlivable. And notwithstanding that Florida hosts one of the nation’s densest populations of senior citizens, he welcomed the COVID virus’ proliferation — with that black hole in empty space he calls a mouth and, true to form, bans on masking requirements.

Ergo, Florida became the COVID capital of the galaxy.

Additionally, Star Trek gave us the Vulcans, the stoic and logic-oriented species who illuminate our human tendencies to be irrational. Governor DeSantis has demonstrated that he hates critical thinking: It doesn’t poll well with the know-nothing MAGA base. Look also at his efforts to ban critical race theory, which is simply an exercise in critical thinking applied to the study of racial justice — in law schools.

Therefore, if a ban on blogging could be contemplated, could banning entertainment be far behind?

So, those Floridians who are “Star Trek fans may one day find that Jean-Luc Picard, Seven of Nine, Lt. Uhura, Spock, Michael Burnham — and all the characters symbolic of ethnic and gender diversity, cultural diversity, and cognitive diversity — will be banned from open minds in the Sunshine State.

Thus, in the tragic event DeSantis should ever be elected POTUS, we might see a dystopian assault on this science fiction legacy by his automatons — mindless supporters who wish to erase diversity and assimilate Americans into their “Leave it to Beaver collective consciousness.

Ironically, for someone who attacks gender orientations, he apparently fantasizes he is “Star Trek’s” Borg Queen.

Video clip of Star Trek’s Borg Queen

Resistance may be futile for the Borg, but for democracy, it is absolutely essential.

Thanks for your attention and past claps, and I welcome your responses. To follow future posts, you can press the button on the screen. — Geronimo Redstone



Geronimo Redstone
Politically Speaking

Advocate/poet. Over 30 yrs. of leadership of multiple DEI causes. Sparking insights of the race & gender nexus with history, philosophy, advancing human life.