Why I’m Running for President of the United States

Week 1 on the Campaign Trail

Dave Volek
Politically Speaking


Author’s amateur attempt at banner making!

This is my official announcement. Let Medium break the news to the world that a rank amateur is running for the world’s most powerful political position!

You see, for 24 years, I have been advocating for an alternative democracy. This includes 2.5 years on Medium, with 170 articles and 4,395 responses, most of which are dedicated to this alternative democracy. No one wants to consider my ideas. I am still an echo chamber of one.

So how should I fill up my echo chamber?

Well, two Medium contributors recently gave me some clues to my next step. I had talked to these people before about my TDG (the alternative democracy). Like an evangelical Christian finding someone nice to talk to, I was leaning on these two once again to take my TDG seriously.

On June 9, 2021, A. Nonymous said to me:

I remember reading your plan. I suspect that you’d have to be freakishly famous to get any traction. We teeny little invisibles are lucky if anyone reads what we write — and certainly nobody important ever will.

On July 6, 2021, Anthony Lawrence said to me:

No, it’s a sign that you’re not famous.



Dave Volek
Politically Speaking

Dave Volek is the inventor of “Tiered Democratic Governance”. Let’s get rid of all political parties! Visit http://www.tiereddemocraticgovernance.org/tdg.php