Why My Stocks Are Worth More Than Your Life.

Marc Kassam
Politically Speaking
3 min readNov 6, 2020
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Some would say one human life is worth more than any dollar amount on the stock market. I disagree and here is why.

Can I trade your life for something of higher value? Does your life give me dividends? Can I buy and sell your life to gain substantial profit? Does your life represent a non-sentient numerical value that can be used to personally benefit me?

To a rational and non-emotional individual, the answer to all of these questions is obviously no. Thus, it only stands to reason your life is inconsequential to my well-being, unlike my stock portfolio. Therefore, you dying of, say, a preventable disease, is a reasonable sacrifice for me to make to protect my investments. It’s just business.

Our country runs on business, not the blood, sweat, and tears of the lowly workers some radicals would have you believe has more value than my stock. Without them, my investments would be just fine. I know this because the financial company I work for once fired this janitor who dared to book off work and my portfolio remained strong. So what if it was his mom’s funeral, money can’t be made when things are dirty.

If that janitor dropped dead, money would still be flowing and my stocks would still be reaping the rewards. Therefore, his life does not have value like my investments do. Anyone who says otherwise is probably involved with China or some other communist dictatorship who’s more concerned with “human rights” than making a functioning economy. Without such an economy, people like me can’t make money off janitors and other poor laypeople, or as I call it, “freedom”.

Our country runs on business, not the blood, sweat, and tears of the lowly workers some radicals would have you believe has more value than my stock.

I may just represent between one and ten percent of the American public but that is no excuse to threaten my holdings. You have no idea how hard it was to press a few buttons on my online investing account, at least the first time when I was trying to figure it out. Now it’s super easy but the point remains, I still worked hard to earn those returns.

My finances don’t care about your feelings… or your life. They remain independent of emotion altogether no matter what kind of grisly death you endure. Your body does not even have to be intact or even recognizable yet the numbers will remain impartial. As they should, for the moment numbers evolve to have emotion will be the day our world ends.

It doesn’t matter whether people are dying by the thousands every day, without the previously mentioned freedom, the quality of life — at least for myself — goes down. We as a nation can’t let that happen. We have to decide what has greater value and I hope to have proven to you that value comes in the ones and zeros in my bank account, the more zeros the more value.

Though please note, as I am pro-life, the aforementioned does not apply to those still in the womb. But if you can think and feel with the full capacity of a sentient being, your life ultimately becomes worth less than my stocks. Unless it concerns me personally, in which case I may reevaluate my position.

