Why the NRA Will Win Again

All of this is so sadly predictable

John Egelkrout
Politically Speaking


Photo by Angela Baker Orenda on Unsplash

Here we go again. The bodies of the dead children in Texas are barely cold, and already conservative politicians are sounding the warning not to use this as a reason to pass gun legislation. Sympathetic politicians and dignitaries are offering their thoughts and prayers for the families of the dead children, again. Families are demanding something be done, again. Gun control advocates are saying “this is enough” again. The same news stories appear that appeared after Sandy Hook and Parkland, only the names and dates have been changed in a twisted sort of Mad Lib.

The Pope said his heart is broken.

Emmanuel Macron of France called it a cowardly act.

Joe Biden asked where our backbone is.

What else can they do? They have to make a statement about it when asked. They are, after all, world leaders. You will note that none of them said what they would or could do about it. We already know why. None of them care enough to act beyond giving statements or making speeches. It’s easy and it doesn’t cost them anything.

Imagine for a moment if the Pope said people who are Second Amendment advocates could no longer receive Holy Communion, and equated support of guns with supporting abortion. That would certainly stir things…



John Egelkrout
Politically Speaking

I am a sanity-curious former teacher who works a small organic farm with my wife. I write about politics, social issues, memoirs, and a variety of other topics.