You Do Know What One America Stands For … Right?

“The Wave” is back — this time it’s not a high school experiment

Robert Pacilio
Politically Speaking
4 min readSep 20, 2022


Nazi salutes to Hitler
Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash

The One America wave was posted all over Twitter this Sunday after the former president spoke at a rally in Youngstown, Ohio. The pictures that evening were posted by disgusted reporters who realized that the attendees were told to raise their right hand (only) and put up one finger. It could not be confused with the Nazi salute because that was the purpose — to make clear that those waving their finger in the air meant business. There is only one man whom they trust to “Save America” (that was their slogan), and that man is Donald Trump. The Huffington Post ran the headline: “Creepy, One-Finger Salute At Trump Rally Evokes ‘Heil Hitler’ Gesture.”

Creepy is an understatement. Treasonous and threatening are more appropriate. Trump has already claimed that if he is indicted, America will not put up with it. Politico reported his claims: “Former President Donald Trump said Thursday the nation would face ‘problems … the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen’ if he is indicted over his handling of classified documents after leaving office, an apparent suggestion that such a move by the Justice Department could spark violence from Trump’s supporters … and repeatedly said Americans ‘would not stand’ for his prosecution.”



Robert Pacilio
Politically Speaking

San Diego County “Public School Teacher of the Year.” (32 year veteran) Author of five novels & a memoir available on Amazon and at