You Don’t Really Believe a Fetus Is a Person

And I can prove it

Dustin Arand
Politically Speaking
4 min readJun 24, 2022


Image credit: Nancy Wong (Wikimedia Commons)

Abortion foes rest their position on the claim that human life begins at conception. All persons have a right to life, and a fetus is a person. Therefore, a fetus has a right to life.

There’s just one problem. They don’t actually believe this. Want to know how I know?

If abortion is homicide, why not charge women with murder?

If human life begins at conception, then terminating a pregnancy is homicide. And since abortions don’t just happen accidentally, since they have to be planned, that makes them premeditated murder. That’s the worst kind. In many American states, premeditated murder will get you a minimum life sentence, maybe even the death penalty.

(And where are you on THAT issue, “pro-lifers”? I’m hearing crickets.)

So Republican-controlled states must be passing laws to classify abortion as first-degree murder, right?

Nope. Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis recently signed a law that would make performing an abortion after fifteen weeks a third degree felony. The maximum penalty is five years in prison. And it’s not clear whether that applies to the woman, or just the doctor.



Dustin Arand
Politically Speaking

Lawyer turned stay-at-home dad. I write about philosophy, culture, and law. Author of the book “Truth Evolves”. Top writer in History, Culture, and Politics.