You’re a Mean One, Mr. Trump

A Christmas song for the president

Politically Speaking


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

You’re a tax cheat, Mr. Trump
Employed by your father
A consultant/landlord/banker, when you were just a toddler, Mr. Trump
You’re doing the same thing with your sons and daughter!

You’re a fraudster, Mr. Trump
Can’t disclose my taxes
I am under audit
IRS said, “That’s not it,” Mr. Trump
Supporters somehow bought it; enthusiastic with their plaudits. I think I want to vomit!

You like despots, Mr. Trump
For Russia you’ve been rootin’
Genuflecting to Putin, a lamplighter like Rasputin, Mr. Trump
You say no collusion, Mueller is highfalutin!

And in a faraway land
Lives the Little Rocket Man
Who says you have very big hands
Your face is nicely tanned, Mr. Trump
The meeting was just a glad hand. He never planned for the arms to disband!

You’re a racist, Mr. Trump
You said the Central Park Five
In an ad that you contrived
Shouldn’t get out of jail alive, Mr. Trump
Boys falsely convicted of…

