Emm Jay
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2018


The Times they are A-Changin’

According to a recent News and Guts article:

“There’s something very different about this incident. Parkland has touched a nerve. After Las Vegas, business returned to usual. The story faded from the front pages. Same for Sandy Hook and countless others. But angry students have kept this story front and center. Gun control may have found an unfortunate champion.”

I thought this may be the case. The Parkland shooting and the students’ responses will be a huge catalyst for change. It won’t be overnight, and sadly, this won’t be the last mass shooting.

But this is the beginning of the end for mass shootings.

Change is inevitable now.

If you still think this conversation is over 2nd Amendment rights rather than humans’ right to life, you are officially on the wrong side of history.

This ever-increasing tragedy known as schoolchildren being brutally and indiscriminately murdered struck the generation who has not known a world without mass shootings being a regular occurrence, and these students will not go gentle into that good night. They will not go back to life as normal. They refuse to accept the status quo. Your thoughts and prayers will not placate these students. They will not sit idly by while people scream about their right to own a gun as they bury their friends who were shot to death last Wednesday morning.

These students will go down in history as the ones who led us out of partisan divide and into common sense firearm reform.

God bless these students who will make high schools safer for my children.

Full article: https://www.newsandguts.com/why-is-parkland-different/



Emm Jay

Pouring out my {political} thoughts one post at a time.