Why Breitbart, Fox News, and The Blaze Constantly Criticize “Mainstream Media”: It Pays.

James Greer
PolitiCenter Opinion
2 min readOct 30, 2015

If you visited any conservative media sites after last night’s CNBC Republican Debate, you may have noticed a consistent headline: something about “mainstream media’s” extreme bias. This is nothing new, conservative media has for years bemoaned perceived bias in the news industry. But a significant quandary arises from this: it would be unprofitable to declare media being bias-free. Thus, in the process of declaring a holy war on traditional media bias, they have sidestepped their own.

Inherently, their methods of calling out other media outlets for being biased is the equivalent of The New York Times getting into a shouting match with the Washington Post over their coverage, insisting that the Post’s readers need to read the Time’s (and only its) own coverage to avoid the Post’s bias. While news organizations have been frequent critics of each other, doing so on a ongoing, vicious, and frequently unsubstantiated, manner would be scandalous. Fox News, renowned for its conservative bent tries to present itself as a reputable, un-biased news outlet. It complains about the “mainstream media”, but typically tries to water down its tone. Conservative insurgent media sites, however, don’t play by the same rules as traditional media. These sites, such as Breitbart, The Blaze, and Drudge Report often claim to be “news” organizations, but whatever is supposed to be their “news” and “opinion” sections are typically unlabeled.

Claiming mass media bias has numerous benefits, but the most notable is its ability to attract new readers. Each source claims to be a beacon of truth in a sea of media bias. Thus, they lure in faithful readers, convincing them to believe them above all others. Faithful readers means consistent revenue streams. And the more blind their dedication, the better.

It also ensures a virtually non-existent burden of proof for their claims. While they will hold traditional news to the highest of standards, they will refute any claims of inaccurate writing as an attack from the “liberal mainstream media.” Thus, they are accountable to no one. In addition, their own biases towards individuals goes unchecked. These organizations frequently orchestrate elaborate campaigns against celebrities and politicians who invoke their ire. Their sources are “anonymous”, but their assertions are absolute.

“Mainstream media” needs to examine its volatile little brother more closely. The finances and practices of these lawless organizations portraying themselves as news sources should be scrutinized. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

