Write with Us: What Was Your First Political Act?

No lapel pin required.

Shellee O'Brien
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2015


Land at the same bar after a conference and some people are quick to ask you what you do. For how long. And to what result. That’s a conversation that pains me deeply. My discomfort will be noticeable and the conversation will be difficult.

If you and I land at the same bar, I’m going ask you about your first political act… Stick with me.

This isn’t about one party challenging another or whether or not you voted in November.

Maybe you’re thinking in red, white and blue or remembering a global event to promote awareness (my Live Aid t-shirt was one of my favorite things!).

It’s about the first time it occurred to you that we could change the world.

It’s about the first time you wanted to grab a seat for yourself. March with the crowd. Let the world know you were here to make a statement.

Here’s the rest of the question:

What was your first political act? When do you remember first becoming aware of being a part of a shared community beyond your family, your neighborhood, etc.? That you could take action and be a part of something much larger than the “known world” around you?

Politicolor Contributors have bravely confronted their earliest attempts to let their communities know they were there and that they would be taken seriously. Sooner or later.

We have parades for cats, flags perfectly placed, a challenge for the teacher, cartoons made easy and justice going door-to-door for Halloween.

Flag in window (via Flickr Creative Commons), Constitutional Cat (via Jacqueline Hunsucker), Halloween (via Trish Evrett) and Studying (via Moyann Brenn, Flickr Creative Commons)

We’re having a lot of fun and we can’t wait to hear your story. Please share it with us here and let us include in the collection we’re building through our publication, Politicolor Sketchbook. You can add a quick reflection as a response below or write your own post and submit it to us to feature in this collection.

If you and I do land at the same bar and I already know your story, I’ll buy the first round. And ask a follow-up question.



Shellee O'Brien

Creature of community; Idea gatherer; Citizen-at-large approaching the work of an engaged citizenry like the future depends on it. Founder, Politicolor.com