Celebrities React to The Manchester Bombing

Corin Pankow
Published in
1 min readMay 25, 2017

After the recent bombings in Manchester, celebrities all across the world came together in order to pay homage to the victims whose lives were taken Monday night.

The bombing happened at an Ariana Grande concert where The pop star took to Twitter shortly after the event.

Since Monday night, many celebrities took to the social media platform to share their condolences with the victims of the bombing.

Many celebrities did take the time to send their condolences to the 22 lost in this attack. However, many celebrity voices that were heard during the recent presidential election were not heard during this event. This includes celebrities such as Beyoncé, Shonda Rhimes, Aaron Paul, and even Oprah Winfrey.

Many celebrities took to social media to comment about the 2017 Presidential Election however did not take to social media during this recent event.

Some posts about the Manchester Bombing are even causing controversy including Kim Kardashian’s twitter post which, included a picture of her at a Party with pop star Ariana Grade at a concert. Fans and Twitter followers alike felt that the post was in poor taste. Kardashian since as taken down the tweet but many fans took screen shots and are still tweeting about it.

