My 7-year old daughter just explained me Swedish elections

Roberto Aloi
Politics and Code
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2018
Kat Partiet Official Logo

My seven years old daughter just asked me if I was going to vote for the Swedish elections. When I said “yes”, she gave me some suggestions:

“Among the candidates there are some who are really nasty. The nastiest ones don’t like you if you are not born in Sweden. And since we are born in Sicily, you should not vote for them, or they may send us away. I like my school and my friends here. Where are you born, dad? In Palermo? Then they will send you back to Palermo. These nasty people have a flower as their logo, but that’s a trap. There are other candidates who have flowers as their logos, but that’s because they like flowers, I guess. Look, this is my party logo (she shows me a piece of paper with a drawing). It’s the kat-partiet. I drew the cat myself, but I copied it from another cat. I like cats, but it’s ok if you like dogs. Can I come with you to vote? I can’t vote because I’m a kid, but I can watch. Who are you voting for, again?”

