Case Study: Op-Eds

Medium Politics
Politics Guide
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2016

Medium is democratizing the op-ed page — that’s true. But democratization is only half the equation. We also want to revolutionize what an op-ed page can be.

In short — this isn’t a traditional op-ed page. You don’t have to be bound to traditional op-ed ideas. Medium provides a level of intimacy that’s been lost in politics, and the platform values candor and clarity.

So be authentic. Say something of consequence. Use images and other media to tell a compelling story.

Below are some great examples:

Senator Ben Sasse

After Nate Silver published some projections on which GOP members of Congress were most likely to challenge President Trump, Senator Sasse published a response with his thoughts on his role as a statesman and policy maker.

Senator Elizabeth Warren

With the 21st Century Cures Act making it’s way through Congress, Senator Warren articulated her opposition to the bill.

President Barack Obama

During his final week as President, Barack Obama shared his final thoughts with the American people.

Jeb Bush

In January 2016, Jeb Bush got personal in this op-ed — describing how his daughter has suffered from drug addiction, and the heartbreak it can bring to a family.

Senator Tammy Baldwin

In this op-ed, Senator Tammy Baldwin tells a personal story — about her upbringing and then serving as her grandmother’s primary caretaker — to frame her new bipartisan legislation, the RAISE Family Caregivers Act.

Congressman Mike Honda

In this op-ed, Congressman Mike Honda responds to what he calls a tipping point of discourse around Muslims and Islam. He recalls his family’s experience in Japanese internment camps to warn against repeating the same mistakes and letting “racism and bigotry overrun Americans’ conscience and good faith.”

Vice President Joe Biden

Vice President Joe Biden penned this letter as part of CBS News’ series “Note to Self.” It is a heart-warming and revealing look into the VP, and a great example of personal storytelling.



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