Case Study: Publications

Medium Politics
Politics Guide
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2016

Publications are a powerful way to aggregate content into verticals — to build your very own magazine on Medium. You can host content from multiple writers in your publication; staff, policy experts, volunteers, constituents, colleagues, and validators can all contribute their thoughts. If someone you trust can say it well, recruit them to publish into your publication. Conversations benefit from a variety of perspectives.

With publications, you can also take advantage of Medium’s ability to email your stories directly to the inboxes of your readers through our letters tool.

Check out some of the examples below to see how publications have been used by politicians, organizations and others. And then when you’re ready, check out this guide on how to start a publication and how to make it look great.


Here are some awesome examples of how people have used publications to start up conversations and aggregate the best content around particular topics, ideas or events:

Hillary for America

The Hillary for America publication features content from all aspects of her campaign — stories from the trail, posts on policy issues, and notes from Hillary herself. It features a number of different contributors, is well-branded, and makes great use of the Letters feature.

The Investing In Opportunity Act

The Investing in Opportunity Act Publication

Senators Cory Booker and Tim Scott started a publication focused on public and private partnerships to revitalize distressed American cities. Other contributors also include Rep Pat Tiberi and Rep Ron Kind.

Cancer Moonshot

Vice President Biden launched a publication to highlight efforts, research, and stories as the Administration works to double the rate of progress toward a cure for cancer.

National Adoption Month

Ten different House Republicans contributed to this publication centered on National Adoption Month in November 2015.

Still looking for more examples? Check out these awesome publications:



Medium Politics
Politics Guide

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