Welcome to Politics, History, Society

Info and submissions

George G
Politics, History, Society
2 min readDec 1, 2018


What we’re all about

Politics, History, Society is a publication that features quality, insightful writing on politics, history, society, culture, and everything in between. We aim to offer our readers diverse perspectives on a wide array of themes from around the globe.

There is a lack of publications on Medium that cover these topics while also accepting unsolicited submissions — so we’re stepping in to fill the gap.


We welcome unsolicited submissions! We are looking for quality writing on any/multiple of the aforementioned topics, including culture (intersection between these topics is welcome but not required). Your work should be proofread, well-formatted, coherent, have at least one (but preferably multiple) images, have a clear point, and say something of value. We accept work that focuses on any part of the world.

Your work will be featured on our frontpage as well as our category pages. We aim to inform our submitters of a piece’s acceptance or rejection promptly, within a few days at most (though this may vary).

For first-time submitters

Please submit a link to your draft (preferred) or story to ganitisgeorge [at] gmail.com with the title MEDIUM SUBMISSION. If your work is accepted, follow the guidelines in the next section to submit it to the publication.

If you’re already a Writer for the publication

Just submit your completed draft/article to the publication. If you don’t know how, click here for a guide with steps you can follow.

How to contact us

Email ganitisgeorge [at] gmail.com with any questions you have. All enquiries are welcome!

That’s all! Happy reading, writing & submitting!

