Dumbasses For Trump

Ron Clinton Smith
Politics In Our Time


Now you’ve done it. You’ve screwed yourselves royally. You’ve screwed the pooch. Like Wile E. Coyote, you’ve climbed out onto a limb over a canyon and sawed it off.

You don’t even see it, do you? That your big stand, thumbing your nose at those establishment heels, has set yourself up for the fall of your life?

You think you’re onto something good? Did you see the man’s face when he had his meeting with a real President at the White House? He looked like someone who’d seen a ghost, who was way out of his element. All he knew was he’d pulled the wool over people’s eyes with insults, chest pounding, bragging, acting a goddamn fool, and here he was in a place of serious business, with a serious President, who knew how to govern, and he knew he was in over his head. He looked like somebody who’d fucked himself.

He’d phonied his way to the White House with smoke and mirrors, with lying his ass off, preaching fear fear fear, and now he was going to have to prove he could do this job, which he really didn’t want to do in the first place. He just wanted to be elected, get TV publicity, prove he could be king.

He was a first class con man, masterful at ridiculing people. He was a better comedian and jerk than anything else.

So congratulations dumbasses, now you have to live with this little dictator. He’s moved into your guest room and you can already hear his late night tweeting music pounding against your walls, while he drinks your beer and plays grab ass with your wife.

Did you think he was going to be dignified, considerate, or even mature enough not to act like a petulant teenager every time someone pointed out how stupid he is? Good luck with all that.

You’ve married him, and his naked mail order bride, sprawled out on a gold leaf love seat, having business conference calls with Vladmir Putin, drumming up some big league deals with the Kremlin before America realizes he’s a first rate, corrupt charlatan doing it all for himself (see Trump University and his child rape case) and kick his whining ass out on the street.

Take a look, gullible dumbasses, at the bizarre menagerie of creeps he’s gathering around him. Bannon, the Jew hater, misogynist, racist yellow rag publisher, yeah, he’s going to have some brilliant policy proposals for you.

“The Angry General” Flynn, with anger management issues, frothing at the mouth to attack somebody, any damn body, looking like a man unhinged, with more international baggage than ten Hillary’s could carry.

Sessions is a real gem, with a past strewn with racist epithets, slurs, rejected as a judge in 1986 for basically being a closeted KKK member, he’s going to rule fairly and justly! With investments in private prisons, he’s already amping up the “people who smoke marijuana aren’t good people” talk, so he can keep marijuana illegal and keep his moneymaking jails full of potheads.

It’s just business, as they say in the Godfather.

And while your boy Pence is trying to transform homosexuals into heterosexuals, like making left handed people right handed, your main man Donald will be wheeling and dealing with Paul Ryan to privatize Social Security and Medicare, keep your wages below the poverty line, and passing laws in the middle of the night that take away your first, fourth, fifth, eighth and fourteenth amendment rights, putting your ass in a box so that when you wake up and realize you’ve been bamboozled by this lunatic dictator, you can’t do a damn thing about it. And siphon up (not trickle down) economics will be shooting your hard earned cash straight up to places like the top floor of Trump Tower.

You won’t be able to blame Obama, though you’ll do your dumbass best to. Hillary, Bernie and Liz tried to warn you about this crackpot. You’ll be more screwed this time around than you were at the end of W’s disastrous reign, when the economy collapses again, because this time you’ve got a professional bankrupt failure in office instead of a brilliant black scholar who really gives a damn about the country.

And the wars? Remember Donald saying he loved war? Though he’s way too much of a coward to fight one personally. Oh, you can bet these guys have some good ones lined up. Got to get those munitions and arms businesses humming.

And by the time Donald Trump is impeached, you won’t have a soul to blame but yourself. You will have let this crude, know nothing, whining, blowhard crypto fascist abuse every minority and woman, denigrate every noble ideal that America stood for, and turn your red, white and blue America into something nobody in the world will recognize. The rest of the world will be shaking their heads at how stupid you are, blind and selfish and hypocritical.

And dumbasses for Trump, they will be right.

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Ron Clinton Smith is a film actor, seen on “True Detective,” appearing January, 2017 in “Hidden Figures,” a writer of stories, songs, poetry, screenplays, and the novel Creature Storms.

