Ron Clinton Smith
Politics In Our Time


In America, as a people, we have a history of striking down bullies and destructive manipulators. We’ve taken on the bullies of the world time and again, from Hitler and Mussolini in Europe, to the the war lords of Japan, and dangerous demagogues domestically such as Senator Joe McCarthy, who attacked innocent American’s civil liberties out of paranoia over internal threats of communism. Our people and leaders have never accepted or endorsed the malignant racism of groups like the Klu Klux Klan.

But the power hungry and desperate American G.O.P. has now sold its soul to a master manipulator and bully named Donald J. Trump, and is reaping the rewards of that, and the demise of its honor and integrity. As I write this, Republican running mates in the 2012 election, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, as well as many other Republican figures, have come out scathingly against Trump, on his refusal to disavow the KKK’s endorsement, to his business record, his comments about immigration and banning Muslims from entering the country, and everything in between.

They are scared to death of him now, but where was that decency and concern when Trump viciously went after President Obama, accusing him of not being born in the United States, accusing him of not being the legitimate President of the United States?

Where was that honor and nobility then?

Republican Party members, out of cheap hatred and slimy political opportunism, pandered to the lowest instincts of the American people, by remaining totally silent when Trump was pushing his birther agenda against the President, which was of course a farce. The G.O.P. used Trump’s hatred and ambition against our sitting President, by pretending they weren’t sure themselves whether it was true or not. They shrugged their shoulders, pretended to be oblivious to his ridiculous innuendos, and by doing so began to build their monster who is devouring them now, an arm and a leg at a time.

Trump’s birther stunt was early groundwork to gain attention for himself and to show he might be interested in the presidency. In back rooms I’m sure they laughed about it, applauding Trump for doing their dirty work for them, but they aren’t laughing now. Had Republican members done the right thing and shouted him down then and there, as they would have if President Obama had been a Republican President, Donald J. Trump might not be skewering them and their party right now and eating them alive.

Today over seventy Republicans from the national security community signed an open letter to the American people, which ended with the following statement:

“Mr. Trump’s own statements lead us to conclude that as president, he would use the authority of his office to act in ways that make America less safe, and which would diminish our standing in the world. Furthermore, his expansive view of how presidential power should be wielded against his detractors poses a distinct threat to civil liberty in the United States. Therefore, as committed and loyal Republicans, we are unable to support a Party ticket with Mr. Trump at its head. We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.”

The G.O.P. is no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln, nor even of Ronald Reagan. And not just because Donald Trump is barreling toward the nomination and will likely win it going away. The G.O.P. sold its spiritual soul when it first allowed itself to be taken over by the Tea Party, formed when President Obama took office, to obstruct anything the man tried to do in office. It sold its soul when its members openly stated their intention to make him a failed, one term President. That was the beginning of the end of the once proud G.O.P. as a legitimate governing body.

But in 2012, when Trump set himself up as some kind of arbiter and king, inviting G.O.P. candidates to come kiss his ring for his endorsement, while casting aspersions on our sitting President, and screaming and broadcasting phony suspicions that President Obama was not born in America, and therefore couldn’t be President; when Republican members didn’t do the right thing, and at least show some decency toward the President, and do their job to work with him, the G.O.P. lost every shred of integrity they might ever have had up to that point.

And then Donald J. Trump began to slowly cook and eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And very soon he will have them all for dessert, with fava beans and a nice Chianti.

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Ron Clinton Smith is a film actor, recently seen on True Detective, and writer of stories, songs, poetry, screenplays, and the novel Creature Storms.

