6 Reasons Why Tucker is Wrong

Also, stop trying to cancel him.

Peter Ramirez
Politics Mostly


Illustration by Alicia Tatone

Let me start off with something controversial — I find Tucker interesting. While I often find myself disagreeing with him, I will at least give him credit that he is talking about ideas (mostly).

Unlike Hannity and Ingraham, who immerse themselves in the daily drab of blue team vs red team in an ever shrinking news cycle, Tucker has always fashioned himself a card carrying member of the right wing intelligentsia. Substance! Theory! Ideas!

One of Tucker’s recent theories has sparked some criticism. Here is the video, and I encourage everyone reading this to watch it in its entirety.

In particular, here is one excerpt that has received the most backlash online.

Now, I know that the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term “replacement,” if you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying to replace the…



Peter Ramirez
Politics Mostly

political science researcher. former valedictorian. reader/writer. host of “Politics Mostly” podcast.