Are Corporations Actually “Woke?”

Debunking the new narrative.

Peter Ramirez
Politics Mostly


Illustration by Woody Harrinton.

According to the GOP, corporations are transforming from a once reliable ally to a woke, progressive foe.

This notion of corporate betrayal is gaining traction with the right. “How Corporations Surrendered to Hard-Left Wokeness” ran in the New York Post last month.

Just this past week, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) voiced his frustration with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to radio host Hugh Hewitt, calling the pro-business lobby a “front service for woke corporations who are trying to peddle Anti-American theories and demanding that their employees get reeducated and indoctrinated on anti-American ideas.”

Cotton wasn’t done. “The Chamber endorsed several liberal Democrats for Congress, and all those liberal Democrats turned around last week, and every single one of them voted for [Speaker] Nancy Pelosi’s [D-Calif.] radical union bill,” he added.

Woke corporations? The liberal U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

The Chamber claims to be a nonpartisan backer of pro-business interests, yet those funds tend to only benefit one party. According to a Public Citizen report, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce pumped $25.8 million into 2016 Senate races to benefit Republicans, while Democrats received nothing.



Peter Ramirez
Politics Mostly

political science researcher. former valedictorian. reader/writer. host of “Politics Mostly” podcast.