Tucker Carlson Starts a War with Kevin McCarthy

Fox News host blasts McCarthy as a “puppet of the Democratic Party.”

Peter Ramirez
Politics Mostly


Tucker Carlson, not engaging in performative victimization.

Leaked audio from The New York Times detailed how former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy openly wondered if Twitter could remove the accounts of several fellow Republican lawmakers.

McCarthy, according to the report, was worried that certain incendiary remarks by several Republicans on Twitter could wind up inciting violence against other congressmen.

“Can’t they take away their Twitter accounts too?” McCarthy can be heard asking.

News of the leaked audio quickly spread across the Beltway. Tucker Carlson, the conservative Fox New host, quickly pounced on the report as proof that certain members of Republican leadership may not be team players.

“(McCarthy) wanted the tech oligarchs to do more, to force disobedient lawmakers off the internet,” Carlson told his audience of millions last night.

Tucker wasn’t done. He later said that McCarthy sounds like “an MSNBC contributor” in private, and finished by labeling McCarthy as a “puppet of the Democratic Party.”

Interestingly, the Fox News host appeared to neatly tuck in a call to action towards the end of the segment, by reminding the audience that…



Peter Ramirez
Politics Mostly

political science researcher. former valedictorian. reader/writer. host of “Politics Mostly” podcast.