How to Stake Polkadot (DOT) via the Portal - Staking.Polkadot.Network

Alex PromoTeam
Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam
4 min readOct 17, 2023

The easiest way of staking is . Connect your favorite wallet. Choose the amount of KSM or DOT you want to nominate and sign the extrinsic, it nominates Pool or the list of TrustedValidators. Follow us on Twitter and Telegram not to miss OPPORTUNITIES we provide to our STAKERS!

The optimal option for both beginners and professionals is to use the primary staking portal at

There’s an excellent article on the Polkadot Wiki explaining how to use it —

as well as a video tutorial:

Note: through the portal, there are two types of staking — through a validator (from 600 DOT) and through a pool (from 1 DOT). It’s crucial to select the validator or pool list correctly.

Recommended validators and pools, as well as contest conditions with a prize , are at the end of this article.

If you have less than 600 DOT and nominate a validator from our list, your stake may rarely become active and not generate the expected income. A pool collects small stakes (from 1 DOT) and stakes them as one large stake, then distributes the reward. Pay attention to this; it’s very important.

If you’re a long-term DOT holder and plan to stake the token for over a year, this is your option.

Here’s an in-depth article on how to stake via and how to select validators.

Here is the illustrations of the steps to choose right list of Validators to stake:

  1. Click to Validators / 2.Switch off only active validators (you can see all, including in waiting list / 3.Search addresses or names of trusted validators / 4. Add all trusted validators from the list to favorites/ 5. Go to Nominate.
  1. Click to Nominate / 2.Click to From Favorites / 3.Add all validators from Trusted List to your List of Nominations!

Don’t forget to nominate our list of validators to participate in the contest and have a chance to win 25 KSM, support us and our activity.

If you have over 10,000 DOT, we can personally advise you on staking opportunities and the optimal set of validators. Schedule a 15-minute personal call with Alex PromoTeam —

The only downside to staking through the native portal is that some may find it challenging to install the Polkadot.js extension on their browser, but those who have used Metamask will not face difficulties. It’s even easier to stake through a mobile wallet.

Excellent option: 8/10. Average Annual Percentage Yield (APY) — 10–15%

Stake from 1 to 600 DOT through a Polkadot pool

The only difference between a pool and native staking is that in a pool, you don’t choose validators; the pool owner selects them. In terms of APY and security, it’s equally reliable as native staking.

If you have 1 to 600 DOT, use the staking guide for pools:

and use this article

Here is the illustration how to stake Pool 161

1.Click to Pools / 2.Add Pool #161 “Pool for Friends and Supporters.” /3. Push “Join”

List of Trusted Validators and Pool. The contest for nominators with 25 KSM prize!

List of trustworthy Polkadot validators and Pool.

Why you better stake with #TrustedValidators:

  • Low fees from 0% up to 5%
  • Professional DevOps , with 20+ years of experience
  • Best servers equipment, real decentralization and unique locations
  • We all independent validators, but we are all care about Networks we validate and Community we respect.
  • Special Offers, contests , NFT , presents — there are a lot of surprises ahead!

1. Stake over 1K DOT to participate in contest and 10K DOT to get guarantied valuable prize. Stake for more than 3 month with all the validators listed below (you can nominate up to 16 validators when staking) or in our Pool #161 “Pool for Friends and Supporters.” and expect valuable NFT from our team.

2. Register on Twitter and Telegram — and to stay updated on the contest.

Polkadot Validators (note: if you don’t see a validator among the active ones, check the waiting list)

PromoTeam | Web3 Uzbekistan 12BkPLskXyXrHhktrinLxVFkPzzvCzCyVCaqHkUEoxMwSzeq

Activator | Serbia 12WNzfWXzogo8N27yNuE9T1xXC2VyJYmTqRDuePp2CNJLgPk

Ruby-Node💎 13mjnUDrHwYGATFB1FkFkZ1U3kYFsAQfHYTdcc8p3HP1xzZA

StakeCraft 13ogHzWQksuwuw4dv6jph1GHGBxjSP8qzwRJzT69dhnhYEv2

Novy 16SSTPeD2UW3hhnuRBS6HjpxhzRFBrRf2Wupxf1iJgMkhBSD

Oracle 16ZkdRYne6geWLkhaMgraDkXXiKHwSSQkCtQ2pPJPtoroURn

👾SPACE_INVADER👾 15u9KTyZzjVQJaCVmAPhFNjwyyS7aHjb6m5Exa22fRXQpTp6

F5 14iv55u5DvgqKSSTvcRjP3ySEeUcQTjvGY3zFdA9JeHXqyb3

TheGuild 16HvKyV9B61hsop3ZY6pWYeV537S29kd9pb9FMrPzx49ym5X

Anvel 12pHJra8Wm8TKmUhVjDJgcWbYQm5q7BPtzm7mmZGaJHBcf7u

General-Beck/Sgr A 15zcvgPw9redZ359tZYfTLzCkCdLXcR1broanT7XBfcNc1j6



Polkadotters 16A4n4UQqgxw5ndeehPjUAobDNmuX2bBoPXVKj4xTe16ktRN


Polkadot Pool #161 “$Pool for Friends and Supporters.” The validators in this pool are handpicked contributors to the ecosystem with good profits. If you have less than 600 DOT, it makes sense to stake through a pool. Choose our pool from the list and stake from 1 DOT.

This article is continually updated! More options coming soon! Save the link!



Alex PromoTeam
Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam

Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam Leader | Crypto and Blockchain enthusiast, entrepreneur | Disclaimer: all articles is my own opinion and not financial advice |