PromoTeam 2022 Halfway Results. The review of the Q1 & Q2.

Davy Jones
Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam
4 min readJul 28, 2022

This year is one of the brightest year in the whole history of the Polkadot ecosystem. (Check the big events — XCMv2 launch, parachains, etc etc.)

And we’re so excited to watch how Dotsama is getting bigger and stronger not only in terms of development but community as well. We’d like to share with you some of our milestones achieved during the first half of 2022.

One of the huge milestones for us, that’s our total audience is nearly 100k followers, it’s an organic growth for the whole period of our operations, and we are extremely proud that more and more people are appreciating our job and joining the Dotsama ecosystem.

Some of our key milestones for the whole period:

  • Ecosystem articles published — total 149 articles on Medium
  • Online events hosted — 22+ Crowdcast as well as Telegram voice sessions, Twitter voice sessions and Clubhouse rooms
  • Offline events hosted — 3 big events in Moscow
  • YouTube video produced — 40+ videos including Hot Dot News, interviews with 7 founders, Parachain News and DOT Features.
  • Crowdloan Info Telegram Bot (Ru and En) — Bot is added in 419 groups; The overall amount of people subscribed 16,5k.
  • 3D Model of Polkadot Relay-Chain architecture in Cinema 4D (Open for everyone to use in the production)

Total audience — more than 80k people

Our social media has grown significantly since the initial launch, here is the full list:

Polkadot ecosystem Telegram communities lead by PromoTeam

Telegram EN speaking communities


One of the most viewed and discussed videos: Polkadot / Kusama Parachain- Auction — Hidden Diamonds of Polkadot Ecosystem | Parachain Slots Auction (13,8k views)



The most viewed article on Medium


Russian and Developers community

We are not only helping the Polkadot itself but help to develop the whole ecosystem including local communities, that’s why we also support:

DOT Validator Alliance

PromoTeam is an initial member of Polkadot Validator Alliance and takes part in the Kusama and Polkadot validation. We are participating in different testnets, securing the Polkadot, Kusama networks, as well as some of the parachains.

We are validators on Kusama / Polkadot / Astar / Shiden / Centrifuge / HydraDX and other networks.

PromoTeam is a diverse team of specialists and blockchain activists with various skills that actively promotes the Polkadot ecosystem in the English-speaking and Russian communities.

Our main activity is content production, offline and online event organization, community management and creation, product marketing, development of ambassador programs.

We also run validator nodes for Polkadot and Cosmos blockchains and participate in the Polkadot ecosystem projects as investors, advisors and contributors.

Telegram |Parachain News| Medium | Twitter

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Davy Jones
Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam

Member of PromoTeam [Web3] | GrandMaster of Content Creation