PromoTeam: what we can do for the projects and Polkadot Ecosystem?

Davy Jones
Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam
8 min readOct 20, 2020

Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam — we are ready to participate in the development of the project and the community, deliver quality content, sincere activists, support and all the best for your successful promotion in the Polkadot ecosystem.

We are a team of Polkadot fans and enthusiasts, specialists in various fields — community development, product promotion, sales, negotiations, psychology and management, validation and programming. We are here to help the Polkadot community become the best. Many PromoTeam members have been contributing to the ecosystem for more than 2 years.

If you are in the Polkadot ecosystem, PromoTeam is interested in you. We do not make any distinction, we try to help and support everyone. Let’s interact and make new friends.

Your project will be adopted, understood, and well known.

Here are some areas in which we have achieved significant success, and are ready to share it with you:

Content creation.

  • Website content and promo , website development, and search engine optimization.
  • Wiki, Whitepaper, Tokenomics — we can help to form the documentation.
  • Social media content: twitter, telegram, discord, wechat, reddit and others
  • Articles and even a whole series for Medium are an important part of promoting of any project. Articles will be provided with unique illustrations and video content, if necessary.
  • Video content — promo videos, interviews , AMAs, reviews, instructions for use, and other video content at the highest professional level, using professional equipment. We attract professional speakers and actors, all content will be performed at the highest level. You can use these videos not only on the Internet but also at presentations and exhibitions as an intro.
  • Visual content — GIFs, pictures, banners, stickers, infographics, and advertising materials. Layouts for printing and distribution. Development of design and corporate identity of the project.

Creation and development of the community.

PromoTeam are specialists in creating and developing a community, we work only with real people, we do not use cheats, bots and other incorrect methods, and this is the rule for us.

  • Create and arrange groups in telegram, wechat and discord
  • Create in the same style — twitter, telegram channels, wechat, discord, youtube channel and others of your choice
  • Develop a strategy for attracting users and developing the community.
  • Provide admins for groups, including different language zones.

Today we work in the following language zones: English, Chinese, Russian, German, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish, if necessary, we can involve native speakers of other languages ​in the development of the community.

Creating content is only half the way, we need to attract attention to it and we have all for this.

The most important thing - is the reputation on all the main platforms for delivering information, we strictly treat the quality of messages that come from us, so they trust us and your message will not be lost.

We can use both standard and non-standard promotion schemes, contact us and we will develop the most optimal and effective strategy for promoting the project.

We have our effective information delivery channels, and we are partners of many information platforms of the ecosystem:

And many others, our friends and media partners.

We are validators and actively developing this area. We plan to become part of the node and validation ecosystem to make society more decentralized. We also have a community development validator’s reward program.

Participation in the management and development of decentralized project institutions.

This is an important aspect and so far not many founders and project teams think about it. We suggest to make the foundation for forming a healthy community of executives who will take part in community governance and treasuries. You need to make efforts to form such institutions, otherwise, by the time the mainnet is launched, you simply will not have enough candidates that the community will know and support. Or they will not be able to adequately assess the prospects for the development of the community, correctly place accents and priorities, and build relationships with the community based on respect for the contribution of everyone. This is not a trivial task and many communities underestimate it until they face it in reality. We have a plan and a program to train people for decentralized institutions within each community and this is an ambassador program.

Participation in the formation and support of applies for treasuries for the projects, creation of treasuries and funds.

Another very important aspect of the functioning of the projects in the Polkadot ecosystem is Treasuries that build in by the architecture of projects on Substrate, many projects will have Treasuries, but even in Kusama and Polkadot there are still problems with their use.

We will help to create your Treasuries, rules for its functioning and requirements for projects to participate in financing. Recommendations for Council members to work with applications and the community.

There are also ideas for the formation of decentralized funds to finance community activities within the framework of ambassador programs. Contact us for details.

Creation, development and management of representatives / ambassadors programs.

This is the pearl of our activity and the “icing on the cake” of promotion in the Polkadot ecosystem. We sincerely believe that each project should have an ambassador program, which will be the basis not only for promotion, but also for the organic formation of the community, the value of the project and token, the formation of Governance and other decentralized project institutions. We started to implement the ambassador program in the Bifrost project and to a limited extent in some other projects. We will share our practice and encourage other projects to use our experience.

Contact us, we will tell you a lot of interesting things about the formation of the program of representatives/ambassadors of the project. It really works, and this is the future.

PromoTeam is ready to participate in the development of the project as a service provider, as well as an Adviser. Our participation is the key to successful running of important stages like team building, promotion and functioning of a decentralized society. Take advantage of our resources, experience and reputation.

Results and metrics of projects.

Of course, we cannot give all them much destabilization, due to the restrictions that our partners impose on us. However, the data that we provide here will allow you to get an idea of ​​the effectiveness of our programs:

Bifrost — DeFi for PoS. Staking and Liquidity.

1. The project we are working on the most and on which we have achieved excellent results.

2. Two testnet campaigns passed successfully, with the involvement and reward of community members, distribution of tokens.

3. An ambassador program has been created and is being implemented, the first wave of ambassadors has been attracted, the motivational and managerial part of the program has been developed. The program proves its effectiveness every week; the second and third waves of attracting ambassadors are planning.

4. Community growth from 0 to 4000+ members worldwide, 7+ language chats and community support languages.

5. More than 500 participants in the network-testing program

7. More than 1300 daily website visitors during peak periods.

8. Support for groups, social networks and off-line activities of the core team Bifrost.

9. Informational support in HOT DOT NEWS, DOT Features and Polkadot News.


Plasm Network

1. Creation of a series of video materials — reviews and instructions, the total number of views is more than 5 thousand. It was actively used to promote the lockdrop — the distribution of native tokens. The total number of participants in the lock drop is more than 5 thousand people, about 100k ETH are locked.

2. Creation of a Russian-speaking community , from 0 — to more than 300 members of a Russian-speaking group, translation of articles into a medium.

3. Translation of the wiki into Russian

4. Participation in the discussion and formation of the community awards program through smart contracts, the first scheme in the industry. Communication with the core team on community development and promotion.

5. The growth of the community during our participation of the project, telegram metrics at the beginning of 300+ / for today 5000+. Number of language groups at the beginning of 2 / now 5+

6. Informational support in HOT DOT NEWS, DOT Features and Polkadot News.


Phala Network.

1. Help in creating an English-speaking community from 0, the first partners in community development, the first admins of the English-speaking group. Community telegram growth from 200+ to 3500+.

2. Creation of a Russian-speaking community from 0, a telegram group of 300+ participants, a medium channel, translations of articles and materials.

3.A series of promo videos and video reviews, with a total of 1000+ views

4. Participation in the formation and development of society, interaction with the core team on community development and promotion. Formation of an information agenda and interaction with other teams.

5. The growth of the community during our participation in the project, telegram metrics at the beginning of 400+ / for today 5000+. Number of language groups at the beginning of 2 / now 7+

6. Informational support in HOT DOT NEWS, DOT Features and Polkadot News.

Website —
Twitter —
Telegram —

Our media capabilities:

1.HOT DOT NEWS — very essence of the events that take place in Polkadot, Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem, made every week.

2.DOT Features — known and unknown functions, secrets of usage, step by step guides in a light and fun manner. Every learning block is in “do it with me” format no longer than 3 min, placed after the news block.

6.Other friendly resources.

If you are interesting in collaboration please contact us:

Telegram — @AlexPromoTeam

Twitter —

e-mail —



Davy Jones
Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam

Member of PromoTeam [Web3] | GrandMaster of Content Creation